Fast Markets help you buy, sell or trade commodities, using reliable and trusted price data and market intelligence. Founded on the principle of driving transparency and fair trade, Fast Markets are committed to providing prices and market insights that allow you to master your markets.
Following a rigorous and detailed procurement process, Fast Markets chose My Learning Hub as their partner to deliver custom training content. My Learning Hub was selected on a range of criteria including competitive pricing, technical expertise, experience, and supplier fit. My Learning Hub committed to work closely with our subject matter experts to deliver our training materials.
The Objectives
Create a detailed course on how to use the company’s Markets Information
Database (“MInD Training”) that will explain how this system operates and how to use it effectively.
Create a shorter course “MInD Refresher” to be assigned annually.
The Challenge
The course will be a tutorial for new employees who join the company in different locations, such as New York, London,Shanghai, Singapore, Brussels.
Some information in the course can be changed with time, such as contact details or general rules and regulations, so it must be updated easily and fast.
Some pieces of information in the course are essential for specific locations whereas not as important for others.
The course must be at hand whenever the employees need to refresh their knowledge.
The Solution
MLH team has a structured approach in developing content which involves:
a Needs Assessment phase during which our PM worked closely with SMEs understanding aims of the course, target audience and design.
a content development phase where MLH Project Manager and SMEs worked together on the storyboard
Different theory blocks containing information that was relevant for specific locations was added ( users could click on the buttons to open the relevant page only) and as downloadable materials
The first course “MInD Training” consisted of video tutorials, theory and knowledge checks broken into logical blocks to make it easy for users to navigate through the course and easily find what they need. The second, shorter course consisted of similar blocks, however, it still included all major pieces of information and a quiz at the end.
Training on how to update the course content was conducted to L&D managers, so that they could login and edit the course for free at any time.