that makes a business impact
Deliver high-impact learning to power scalable business results at the speed
of business change.
Heard about Hubs?
New way of scaling your learning
cheaper than LMS
faster than LMS
increase in user engagement
You can deliver relevant learning content at the point of need for specific
audiences in a white-labelled and personalised way.
Go beyond internal use and scale this to your customers and partners.
Learn more

Communicate Recommend Remind
Don't force it. Use the tools your staff are familiar with
Struggling to get your learners on the LMS? Don’t increase the pressure,
change the approach.
Plug-in our MS Teams & Slack integration. Search, recommend, remind and reward.
MS Teams Integration
SLACK Integration

All your learning challenges, solved in one place
Why manage 4 vendors?
- Deliver training internally using our LMS
- Educate your partners or customers using “Hubs”
- Build your own learning content using our Authoring Tool
- Hire a content development team
Our products are built to be connected
Out-of-the-box or custom integrations available
We haven’t met an integration we can’t handle, let us work our

Measure the business impact
- Acurately measure your return on investment
- Link learning to specific job roles and connect it to your KPIs
- Prove to the senior management how useful e-learning can be

Team of professional designers within a few clicks
More than 85 000+ unique courses pages were created in a
- Beautifully Curious Content
- Zero cost to update yourself 24/7
- Fixed quotes
- Story-board, voice-over, 3D animation
We get amazing feedback from this summary video
Meet our customers
My Learning Hub is a trusted partner for some of the most advanced learning organisations worldwide.
See our customer stories