Broadway Bradford
The Broadway shopping and leisure complex is located in the centre of Bradford, West Yorkshire in England. It is home to more than 80 retailers, from leading brands to fashion favourites, as well as an array of food and drink outlets and the Light Cinema, and is normally open seven days a week.
The Broadway management team employs subcontractor companies to provide a range of services to maintain the smooth operation of the shopping and entertainment centre. These range from soft services, such as housekeeping, security and customer service, to hard services, such as mechanical, electrical and building fabric works and maintenance. Altogether there is a large and complex collection of processes and procedures, many of them mandatory, which are needed to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the centre.
The objectives
Managing some 100 employees from different contractors is a challenge and Dave Downes, Deputy Centre Manager, who has responsibility for all operations in the centre, needed a tool to support this.
“I wanted somewhere where I could put all the processes on to one system, give everybody access to that system, and then everybody can go and learn everything they need to know about their aspects, and indeed other aspects, of the shopping centre,” says Dave.
The solution
Dave assessed different learning management systems (LMS) and selected My Learning Hub as it looked easy to use.
The Broadway has more than 150 standard operating procedures and most of these are now accessible on the LMS, along with risk assessments, security and terrorism awareness information. The LMS also enables the centre management to quickly update employees with urgent information they need to know: “We can put up a video, put up course content and get that round to everybody pretty quickly, so it’s quite cool for that.”
The Results